Do all the good you can,
in all the ways you can,
to all the souls you can,
in every place you can,
at all the times you can,
with all the zeal you can,
as long as ever you can.
Believed to have been spoken by John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, this saying captures the essence of Wesley's life and ministry. Life, lived as a disciple of Jesus Christ, is about stewarding God's gifts for Kingdom purposes.
Like anything, this is better captured by example and not with mere words. This past Sunday, our church celebrated the example of these words that have been captured in a life: the life of Tommy Mayton.
I've been intentional, in these first two weeks, to learn as much as possible about the rich history and bright future of this great church. I have been so blessed to sit with leaders and members, listening and learning, in over fifteen informal conversations. One of the common denominators through all of it - Tommy Mayton has been a person of influence and great compassion. He has been an invaluable asset to this church. He is gifted in music, in wisdom, and in offering care.
These words from others have only been affirmed in the hours of conversations he and I have. He is a great steward of time, passion and intellect. I'm better already for having spent time with him, and this church is forever changed for the good by his ministry. Thank you, sir, for all the good you have done.