"Christmas! Never was there such a word! Poets have dreamed, writers have composed, artists have had their raptures, but none has been comparable to the thoughts that the word Christmas inspires. Christmas makes heaven and earth so akin. Jesus! O marvelous Babe, O Babe Divine!"
- Father Judge, 1928
The Holy Night, by Carlo Maratta (1625-1713) |
Then I come across this sliver of scripture assigned in my devotion this morning:
"Silence is praise to you, Zion-dwelling God, And also obedience. You hear the prayer in it all. We all arrive at your doorstep sooner or later..."
- Psalm 65:1-2, The Message
It is difficult to admit and even more difficult to do; sometimes we run out of words. Trust me, I know the irony of a preacher, paid to speak, uttering these very lines. It is true, though. Christmas, in the end, is beyond our ability to describe. God loved us so much, he came down here. God's plans to save us are so incredible and important, he sent his only son.
Silence. May our silence in the coming days be acceptable to you, O God, as our worship of your majesty and your love.
Grace and Peace, Scott