Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Looking Back on the Good

   The Scriptures contain some pretty serious consequences for those who look back. In Genesis 19, Lot's wife is left behind - in the form of a pillar of salt - when she casts a glance back after being instructed to not look back. Jesus says, in Luke 9, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God." In both cases, it seems that looking back in a way that suggests returning to the past is deemed a very bad thing.
   However, I think there is scriptural evidence that looking back to take stock of what was beneficial, for the purpose of changing course or getting perspective, is clearly a good thing. Luke 15 tells of the younger son thinking back to his father's home and coming to his senses. Clearly the New Testament comes to us only eyewitnesses spent years looking back and thinking through the words and deeds of Jesus. I think looking back can have value. We probably don't do it enough: slow down and look back.
   It was February 3, 2014 that our church gathered to hear a report on two proposed renovation and new construction projects. It was also that night that the assembled group first learned of the transfer of the Hamp Stevens Memorial UMC funds into Epworth's account. Who knew that a unanimous vote would be the beginning of fifty-two weeks of work?

  • The hallway renovations, and the renovation that upgraded the women's restroom in the long hallway, would be completed in April, just before Easter. 
  • The parking lot project would begin in May and wrap up in August. 
  • The children's ministry wing project would begin in June and wrap up the week of Homecoming in September.
  • Finally, the renovation of the Fellowship Hall and the new storage room that has been built started in October and are finishing this week. We hoped it would be finished in December, but the middle of this project was delayed for 2.5 weeks by the City, another three weeks by our choice to upgrade the ceilings, and then a week for Christmas break. So, while Andy Rolling and ROCON are a couple of weeks behind on the timetable considering these bumps in the road, their work over the past year has truly transformed our building.  

   In all, our Building Committee has led us to tackle six projects. We have has construction crews on the property for forty-eight of the past fifty-two weeks. At the same time, different monies were raised or given to replace the commercial refrigerator, the business phone system, and to install a new security system at the church and in the parsonage.
   What a year! And this only scratches the surface of what Epworth has going on. Next week, I want to highlight the transformation that continues in Epworth.
   Grace and Peace, Scott

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