Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Nine Days in Bonaire

   What we do says a lot about who we are, right? I was walking across the street to go to work one morning, still basking in the glow of a great event at the church the day before, when I realized how many of those we are experiencing these days. Let's take stock of what we are in the midst of:

Mission Marketplace – saw hundreds of people from around the community visit our building, greeted by our people, and leave with untold treasures and gifts to give. And, we raised over $3000 towards missions in the process!
Ladies Night - brought together over ___ men and women for a great meal and the joy of singing along to tunes of the season and years gone by. Thanks to great work by our Men, it was just simple fun. 
December Food Pantry and Clothing Closet - on Friday will provide warm clothes and nourishing food to our neighbors in need of something to help makes ends meet. It includes prayer, hard work, and lots of grace. It is scriptural, it is an act of generosity, and it is beautiful. 
Belize Mission Trip Meeting - we're committed to growing a relationship with a village in Central America in order to care for the bodies and souls of our neighbors there. Interested people start making plans this Sunday at 2 PM.
The Christmas Cantata - offers the eager anticipation of Christmas through the songs of Russell Mauldin's Bethlehem Morning. Members from both the 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM choirs and a host of other volunteers will make it happen, then everyone is invited to stay for refreshments, afterwards, hosted by our Methodist Men.

All of this is happening in the short span of nine days at Bonaire Church. Add to this list worship with traditional and modern songs, children learning and singing and playing, young people growing in their faith, and adults all over the campus in Sunday School, as well. Nor does this list include the countless prayers being offered in homes, at work, in hospital rooms, and all places in between by our people for each other and the world.
   What does this say about our church, the body of Christ living in our community? We sing. We give. We go. We pray. We serve and we are served. God is calling you to be a part; where will you plug in?
   Grace and peace, Scott

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