Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Offer (Yourself) Grace

   These things are true...
1) we love it when someone says something that sounds like something we've said before, because we all like knowing that others share our thinking.
2) we love it when someone says something that applies to me in a positive way.
Both of these truths come together in a little note that my friend, Jay Hanson, and his team included in the Praying for 5 devotional book we are reading through as we prepare for Easter. On page 13, they instruct us to

"Offer Grace. We often think about offering grace to others or whether or not others are offering grace to us, but it's really important to remember to give ourselves grace as well."

They were writing to encourage each of us to develop and stick with a routine of praying, specifically, for others as we read through each days' brief devotional entry. I love this instruction because I need it and I try to practice it with myself. I get into great habits and routines, and then fall out of them just as fast. Let us be clear, the world is not working to help us keep our good routines, but our God is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love (Psalm 103)!
   I love the fact that we take time out of worship to greet each other with words of grace and peace every Sunday. It is who we are, and it is something we need. So, this Monday through Saturday, do your best to keep the routine of reading the Praying for 5 book and lifting up 5 people (or more) by name that you are traveling through life with. God is surely calling you to encourage them to receive the grace and peace found in the body of Christ, if they are not already. Pray about ways you can share your story and invite them to see for themselves.
   Much grace and peace to you and me, Scott

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