Thursday, November 3, 2016

November 9 Matters More

   Is anyone out there tired of the 2016 Election Season? One reason is its length. The first candidate to formally organize a committee to explore a run for the presidency did so on November 20, 2014 - 720 days before next week's election day. The first person to formally declare their candidacy did that in March 2015, 597 days before election day. The length is not the only thing that has wearied Americans; another reason is the tone. Mudslinging is a polite description of what candidates and their surrogates have been throwing in every direction. Take heart, November 8 is almost here.
   Yet, I believe with everything in me that November 9 matters more. Most likely, in the wee hours after the polls have closed on Tuesday, someone will be declared the winner. However, despite the election coming to a conclusion, 40% of the country will feel like losers. Think about it; apart from the election season, most surveys find that 40% support one party, 40% support the other, and the remaining 20% are independent or support a third party. So, the end of the election does not end the division and the frustration many Americans are having. It will not be over on Tuesday.
   I believe November 9 matters more. For one, we have to be a united nation, again. But, for Christians, our toughest job starts Wednesday: to witness to the to love of God and truth of Jesus. The Holy Spirit comes so that we would be witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Jesus said, "everyone will know that you are my disciples, when you love each other" (John 13:35). Sing the tune in your head as you read these words: They will know we are Christians by our love. We are not called to be Republicans by our Facebook posts or loyalty to Fox News. We are not called to be Democrats by our yard signs or window decals. We are called to be Christians. People will know it by our love.
   Every person you meet on November 9 and forward will need to hear something good...
Tell them God loves them.
Tell them you love them.
Tell them we are still united.
Let us be kind, for our witness matters more than winning. #Nov9mattersmore
   Grace and peace, Scott

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